Bob’s Repair, a platform of Bob’s Repair cooperation, founded by the Prendecki brothers. It is a blockchain powered platform whose main aim is to eliminate the fraud and ambiguity in the skilled trade industry via a decentralized marketplace.
The problem of having intermediaries within any given supply chain cannot be overemphasized. It ranges from hike in the cost of goods and services to defrauding unsuspecting consumers and contractors. Unfortunately, there is hardly any sector of the business world that is devoid of intermediaries. Therefore, any system that could get rid of them would have succeeded in creating a cheaper and more secure access to goods and services for consumers on its platform. This is what the Prandecki brothers, together with blockchain experts and experienced software engineers who founded Bob’s Repair seek to do using the decentralized marketplace offered by the blockchain technology.
Over the past three years, the Prandecki brothers have operated a platform that has facilitated over 50,000 service calls between consumers and skilled trade workers, transacting over one million (1,000,000) dollars in revenue. As such, the Prandecki brothers have witnessed how review fraud, hidden advertising fees and inflated costs pose great problems for the consumer as well as contractors in the skilled trade industry.
Therefore, they designed the Bob’s Repair blockchain based platform in order to eliminate  fraud, hidden fees and inflated cost introduced by intermediaries so that consumers could have access to skilled trade workers at cheaper rate. Participating on the Bob’s Repair platform would also help skilled trade workers make more out of their business as more consumer will definitely want to search for contractors on the Bob’s repair platform due to low prices, transparency and peace of mind they enjoy while using the platform. This also means good news for those that would invest on Bob’s Repair ICO. A huge consumer base means high probability of well concluded contracts. The more the number of concluded contracts the higher the revenue generated. The higher the revenue, the higher the value of token purchased. Hence, the investor gets higher dividend on his investment as well as higher value of his token.
All reviews would be linked to actual financial transactions providing consumers with reviews that are real and unalterable. Bob’s Repair would leverage on smart contracts to hold payments in escrow and use them as milestone is completed.
Bob’s Repair is organizing a token sale which is going to kick off on Thursday 4th January 2018. The name of the token is BOB. Exchange rate for initial coin offer (ICO) is 1 ETH for 6000 BOB. The soft cap for the token sale is 6,000 ETH while hard cap is left at 30,000 ETH. 50% of the entire value of the project would be up for sale to ICO participants. There will be a smart contract between investors and Bob’s Repair as soon as payment is made. This contract automatically gives the token holder ownership right of the project. Such a person will have dividends from the profits made through the project. 20% of the entire token would be a reward for the team, advisors and bounty campaign. 10% would be allocated to the legal team while the remaining 20% would be kept in reserve. The total token supply is 360,000,000 BOB.
On the team are innovative minds like Alexandre Prandeck, co-founder, COO and Chief Acquisition Manager, Frideric Prandecki, co-founder, Director of Operations, Todd Conley, co-founder, Chief Technical Officer and a host of other experience  people. They engaged trusted advisors like Vitaly Pecharsky, Head of IT Operations,, Wilson Cross, CEO, Co-Founder of GoFetch, Creg Buchan, Systems Engineer, IT Security Solutions and on their legal team is Roland Ericsson an experienced cooperate law practitioner in Navada for over four decades.
