The cryptoecosystem is evolving into security build-ups, communication enhancers. AlgoTradingFun is now available to help currency trader enjoy hitch free communication with each other on the internet and easy transfer of any funds without opening accounts and communicating with bank safely and without fear. AlgoTradeFun is a platform of algorithmic trade (robots) and based on its services, which were created to exclude the negative human influence on decision-making processes, capital management, execution of applications. They use the know-how of trading algorithmic, neural networks to improve the effeteness of trading robots, explore the impact of quantum algorithmic and calculations on the processes of capital management. The platform was originally formed to provide clients with maximum coverage of available market and trading tools. Now it is on a high speed to transforming into block chain technology.
Who are the brains behind high tech?
It was founded by a crop of individual which include  Alexey Strelnikov (founder), Yuri Dernor (co-founder),  Ksenia Deyna (SMM) and host of others.
This platform majors on operation security, reliability of all client transaction and trade result and security of clients’ capital. When you buy ATF token, you buy access right of their robots to trade your capital and provide additional services using robots.
The team’s success so far
Good to hear, their robots are already bringing profits to their clients; they expecting that by 2018, they would have a turn of USD 40 Million, 2019 will be USD 200 million and so on. They are growing rapidly since its commencement in 2011. In 2017, they implemented the first trading algorithms.
What is the nature of this project?
The project is to be used to achieve high profit in the long run which was not achieved before, due to human emotion. The robots to be used have the following features such as 80 tools to with, bring revenue to their customers on average of 2.4% in USD from their capital per month, presence of risk control e.t.c. the project is actually intended for private investors who do not want to waste time on trading, private investors who want to form their portfolio to trade with robots corporate investor, trader, investment funds.
As a customer, you are bound to enjoy transparency, reliability of trade process, 24/7avilabiity, creating of own business and lot more.
The AFT project is built on the Principles such as:
They believe that all transactions of their services from the registration of the clients in their ecosystem to the process changing and winking off tokens based on the result of their service. They should be transparent to their clients. They do this by transforming their classic client server solutions and services need into block chain network. It is shown in the diagram below.

AFT team also believe in decentralized meaning that they see their ecosystem as interconnected services and process both within and buy their project.   
AFT platform plans to develop algorithmic services such as trading robots for integration with all the world’s famous liquid tools are exchanges for traders, investors, funds capital managers.
With ALT token clients can exchange their tokens for other assets for other assets, as well as exchange for fiat currencies. This project cuts across two areas, which are corporate partners and individuals. In fact, this project is allowing people from all background to invest and explore the benefits of trading with robots.  
Also, the algorithmic operation of this platform is such that their client and robots do not have say in its movement, but price chart and volume can be controlled only. They can manage the capital and risk.
The market is large is large! They have more than 7000 tools available worldwide to connect, that allows them to build variety of strategies for robots connecting and trading on the client accounts. While the market grows, they are currently working on legal protection for customers, making available the most volatile tools for their customers to minimize unnecessary risks. Also, they are looking forward to developing and using quantum computing in the blockchain when for big data process, and internet of finance.
AFT team has launched a strategy to develop a global platform for managing various types of their partners’ service, integrating with other block platforms, building new types of platforms, e.t.c by 2021. That is amazing!
Creation of international broken is uppermost in the team so that they can create the most recognizable and transparent brand and to provide them with transparency with regulatory authorities in all the countries of their future presence in terms o license and regulatory documents.
Now, the question is what service will you get buying ATF tokens?
You will have access right of their robots to trade in your capital. One has right to receive signal from robots. You can also have right to form portfolios for long or medium or short term investments by robot-management and have access right to a member area for you as trader or you fund manager in order to build your business to manage the capital of your client using robots. The reliability of these services is not questionable! Each robot has a loss limit on the clients’ capital and amount of losses for the transaction and so the robot cannot lose more than this limit. The technical solutions on which robots are designed are located on the external cloud services on Amazon Web service and Microsoft Azure and lot more reason for reliability of the service performed by ATF platform. ATF platform has already made portfolios for their clients’ for easy trading. It is show in blow:
The tokens generated are distributed thus; 40% for founders, 40% for the public market of token sale, 10% for funding the smooth growth of the ATF token exchange rate and 10% for the support in promotion and bounty to partners. It is shown below.

Pre-ITO duration: 12/24/2017 to 2/8/2018. The main ITO or ICO will be announce additionally following the pre ITO (ICO) results.
AT pre-ITO, 1ETH =400ATF tokens. At ITO (ICO), 1ETH = 320 ATF tokens.
Each 10ETH has additional discount from the purchase volum. When you purchase 10-20 ETH, 4% discount applies, 20-100ETH, 8% discount applies, 100-400ETH, 16% applies and 400ETH has a discount of 32%.
Invest in this patform to save yourself the stress of having to do trading yourself; there is a robot to do the job for you in ATF platform and make your profit for trading on the platform, as well.
