2008 and 2009 are very two striking and remarkable years in the history of the world’s financial system. First, it ushered in the world economic meltdown that had enormous impact in the lives of so many especially major financial actors. It also saw the establishment of the Blockchain technology which hitherto revolutionized the way people trade over the internet with better options as against the conventional approach. The ‘Satoshi’ idea since inception is taking over with the traditional system because of the huge difference of the dealings which before now was practically impossible. Blockchain technology is still commonly regarded as tentative by individuals and businesses alike, and many consider it one and the same with Bitcoin or Ethereum – just two of its most all the rage applications. There is relatively the problem of establishing a self-sufficient smart contracts and the problem of trust vis-à-vis divergent and convergent platforms on the Blockchain. To improve the system and provide security, trust, community participation and putting the not-too-far future into consideration, https://fabrictoken.io/ was established as a completely decentralized bionetwork the incessant issues raised in course of using the latest technology of Blockchain, in a bid to expand its base and make it better.
The https://fabrictoken.io/ platform is working tediously to create a workable paradigm in bridging the gap between natural human-understandable language and computer-understandable language in a bid to simplify how smart contracts on Blockchain are carried out. TokenGen will allow users to generate smart contracts for their token and fundraiser by going through a simple step-by-step process – selecting token and fundraiser functionality, filling out details such as token name and symbol, paying in FT, before finally getting the fully tested and secure smart contract code as specified by the user. The smart contracts generated by TokenGen will be fully editable in case users need to add custom functionality. TokenGen also provides in-depth documentation on all smart contract templates, including a channel that comes with the code, making it easy, if needed, to edit something at a later point. DApp Workbench will help organizations build up smart contracts through business process modeling. The application features a drag-and-drop interface, which will make use of the BPMN 2.0 standard, enabling the import and reuse of diagrams created using other BPMN-compatible tools.
To get technical details of the platform, download ‘White Paper’ at https://fabrictoken.io/media/Fabric-Token-Ecosystem-White-Paper-EN.pdf and find out for yourself how the ecosystem connects to the realities of the 21st century.
As a platform built on the instrumentality of the Blockchain, the token system shall be employed to allow other participants take active parts in this millennium idea. This is affix to the fact that the project is a huge one and cannot be achieved without community fund contribution, thus ICO is out on offering to the general public. The Fabric token (FT)-an Etheruem mediated utility token shall be most appropriate to interexchange within the circumference of the bionetwork. 100 million tokens have been in total with 80 million FT as Hardcap i.e. $9 million USD approximately. Tokens can be gotten through the ETH and Exactly 0.1125 USD per 1 FT during the fundraising season. ICO will start on the 15th of February, 2018 and will last for 45days, all this been equal.
To get tokens or details of sales, visit https://fabrictoken.io/token-sale/.
The platform is built on social media interactions, thus to connect to other participants of the platform and find out more, simply log on to;
