All internet and digital communications are built on RSA cryptography platform. The name RSA came from the three inventors. Since the 40 years use of RSA encryption, there have been several attempts by hackers using quantum computing to crack it, but it has proven impenetrable for now. Quantum computing uses quantum bits, which can be both a zero and one at the same time and with its advancement, there is a high tendency for breakthrough in cracking existing methods of encryption, which will pose much threat to the mission critical application like HTTPs, credit and debit card processing. Am afraid, there is going to be a big problem at disruption of social and economic framework of daily life as a result of any compromise in the existing encryptions. Quantum1Net is here to settle this looming problem with its high technology.
Quantum1Net is a platform that leverages quantum computing to provide a level of complexity in cryptographic key generation that is not possible with traditional means. It was founded by CEO Mattia Bergstrom, CTO Stan Miasnikov, Mats jugmalm and host of others. From researches, RSA encryption is gradually coming to an undetermined halt due to the fact it depends on the limits of traditional computing and it will be replaced by Quantum computing. This is a THREAT to RSA encryption! The question now is how does quantum computing work? RSA encryption method works by storing data in a string of bits, which either holds a value of 0 or 1. The long strings of bits store information, but at any one time that bit can only have one value or another, so only one calculation can be done at one time. Quantum computing works differently in the sense that it is based on the unique behavior of subatomic particles to be able to exist in more than one state at a time. This makes qubits (quantum bits) to store massive amounts of information while at the same time requiring less energy to do so. It is faster than traditional computers and run much more complex calculations. Thanks to Quantum1Net, the security threats faced by the traditional encryptions, is surmountable with Quantum computing.
The future of Quantum computing is bright and promising! Quantum computing has gained attention of the top U. S. Spy Agency. For instance, documents leaked by the former NSA contractor Ed Snowden in 2014, showed that the agency was funding an 80 million USD project aiming to build “a cryptologicxally useful quantum computer”. Also, there is a growing research in the area of quantum computing. What is the mission of this platform? They are poised to create incredibly powerful technology, make it accessible, relevant and ultimately personal. To achieve this, they are investing about 20% of its revenue into research and development. As it stands, Quantum1Net has tested results from their Quantum Encryption Key Generator (QEKG) and Random Generator (PRNGs).To show the speed at which this platform is growing, it has produced a prototype of Quantum1Net Random Number Generator, which has been in building since 2014 as shown below:
Quantum1Net roadmap shows that its team has planned to fund their effort through an initial custom Ethereum token offering, followed by a later Bitcoin token offering. Their second Bitcoin offering will use Quantum1Net’s QEKG as it will be released following the limited release of Quantum1Net next year. The diagram below shows the clear picture of the roadmap.
By January 2019, Quantum1Net will launch a global Quantum platform and “alpha” version of the Quantum1Net file transmission platform, in September 2019 as well.
For the ICO, it was slated to hold in Feb. 2018. The funding will be used to “seed” the project and allow them expand their development team to build out Quantum1Net.The Gold Token release will take place in July and full release in Jan.2019 alongside Quantum1Net’s global debut.
The first token sale involves silver convertible token and that has taken place. The second token sale (Gold Open Sale) has taken place too. The THIRD TOKEN SALE (Gold Open Sale) is progress now. The token is offered at the discount of 5% and the cap is at 200million tokens.
Invest in this complex encryption method and enjoy the investment benefits!
