Hackfund is a highly liquid investment platform created by Hackers/Founders. Conventionally, investing in equity is not a venture that is quite liquid. Investors get to wait several years, sometimes up to a decade, before knowing their fortune. Also investing in a variety of companies has been an exclusive reserve of the wealthy. Low income earners don't get to enjoy diversified risk due to lack of means. Hackers/Founders has been delivering solutions to these investment bottlenecks over the past one decade through their unique business model.
Hackers/Founders launched it's first tech entrepreneur group in Silicon Valley over a decade ago. Since then its community has grown to over 300000 people in 128 cities spread across 47 countries of the world. It has a track record of success as it has witnessed seven exits out of fifty-five technology startup companies that make up its portfolio in only five years. Also hackers proprietary program has yielded growth of 30% year over year for the past five years.
Hack Fund is Hackers/Founders project which aims at bringing its successful business model to the decentralized market using the blockchain technology. This will make investment in technology startup companies available to people around the world and who are at all levels of investing thereby creating an avenue for those who does not have a high income to engage in supporting startup technological companies.
Hack Fund will benefit from the same process, community and experience that resulted in seven Hackers/Founder's portfolio exit over the past five years. Hack Fund will leverage on Hackers/Founders network to access  high quality startup companies for its portfolios offering investors risk diversification. Companies in diverse sectors such as web, mobile, fintech, cleantech, healthcare, blockchain and hardware are welcome to apply to be part of Hackers/Founders program for startups
One should readily know that objectivity should be a core value of a company with such a wonder history of outstanding success. To get startups with grit, talent and performance, Hackers/Founders has made application to its startup program as blind as it could make it. Startups applying for Hackers/Founders startup Program would not be asked to supply some personal information that can introduce bias into the selection process such as their race, sex, age and more. Every startup will be evaluated on its own merits.
Entrepreneurs  and  experts from  H/F’s extensive network  are  grouped  into  diverse  review boards.  Reviewers  score  individual  applications  submitted  by  startups,  and  also  provide written  comments  on  the  company’s  pitch,  product  and  more.  Startups  that  do  well  move  onto the  next  phase.  Those  that  do  not  will  still  obtain  meaningful  feedback  in  the  form  of  compiled scores  and  comments,  which  can  help  them  to  refine  their  vision  and  reapply.

Interviews  are  conducted through in person  meeting  or  video  conference. Afterward,investors share  their  scores  with  Hackers/Founders.  Founders  can  speak  with  investors before​  officially  joining  the  H/F program.  It  is  an  opportunity  for  applicants  to  gain  invaluable  advice  on  markets,  fundraising and  usability. 
Hack Fund is organizing a token sale. The symbol of the Hack token is HACK. 1 HACK would be sold for US$1. The accepted currencies are ETH and BTC. The minimum purchase is 1HACK. Pre-sale starts Wednesday  15  November  2017  at  12:00AM  PST and will continue till the pre sale hard cap is reached. The pre sale will have two phases. The ICO will commence after the second phase cap has been achieved.
