Most people in the third world countries are really acquitted with the process involved in buying, selling of crypto currency due to insufficient knowledge about crypto currency transactions. TradeBit  makes it easy for you. TradeBit is platform saddled with the responsibility of monitoring your current portfolio buying crypto currency, trading and withdrawing fiat money. It provides analytical tools educational material, coatches 3rd party developed plugins and lots more. It was founded by Ivan Dokov, co-founder, Alexander Karaboichev, co-founder, Nikolay Markov, Co-founder, and others. TradeBit provides education on crypto currency trading because a lot of people do not have sufficient knowledge of and exposure to the cryptocurrency dos and don’ts with which they can excel in therein. The importance of this platform is enormous! A participant’s portfolio can be tracked automatically. Also, the team is working hard to produce the first mobile platform for automated portfolio tracking, trading and best analytical tools for traders. Many cryptoplatforms applications cannot function on mobile devices except on computer systems and this is posing challenges to growth crypto ecosystem activities. Thanks to TradeBit which has come on board to build apps that can run on smart phone, making transaction the platform easy and access to all. The Trade Bit solves the problem of multiple wallets across many different block claims to store different asset, that is building universal currency wallet. It is also objective in solving arising from lack of crypto currencies rating system, by so doing, it will prevent their users from being burned in the ICO or Ponzi-scheme crypto currencies. There are many more benefits from trade bit. Download the whitepaper for elaborate information about Tradebit
Trade bit platform consists of Android APP, IOS app as well as web-based interference. In the platform all the services will be offered using the TBT token, which will be distributed through the ICO. The trade Bit platform is shown below:
Trade bit has automated portfolio tracking. It has three types which are wallet addresses portfolio tracking, Exchange API portfolio tracking and manual portfolio tracking. In a bid to overcome the challenges of crypto currency tracking, Trade Bit has built universal wallet that have support for all top 200  crypto currencies in a single wallet address with BTC/ETH/BCH/EUR/USD/KRW separate pairs. The also has 3rd party add-ons used to improve user experience and monetize their apps through their platform. The token used in this platform is called TB Token and 300,000,000 maximum token supply.2% for marketing tokens 3% for the three developers, 2% for emergency reserve frozen tokens take 15% and 75% goes ICO. The ICO started on 18th January, 2017 and would run in 3 phases, each phase for 20 day consecutively. The developmental path of the company shows that by the third quarter of 2019, the platform would have technical analysis features and suggestions, and coaching features. It I worthy of note that after the ICO phase ,15% percent of the tokens will be frozen for at least 1year and will be eventually and Come and join this plat form for because it has all you need on crypto platform such as edu-coaching , single wallet for the many cryptocurrencies, tracking of your portfolio and lot more to enjoy. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT
