TRU REPUTATION PROTOCOL: The Solution to the Long Standing Problem of Trust and Reputation in the Crypto-world

The crypto-platforms have faced a big challenge in their operations due to breach of trust and reputation in the system. So many are losing  interests in the crypto-currency because of this menace. But Tru Reputation Protocol is a child born in due time. It is the only way out of this challenge. All crypto-businessmen need is to key in to this platform and get unquantifiable benefits that will be shown in work carefully drafted from the Tru Reputation Protocol white paper via
 What is Tru Reputation Protocol?
The Tru Reputation Protocol is a platform that provides the first digital solution to persisting Reputation between platforms and reward contributors for their feedback creating the first Proof of Reputation network. The reputation and trust a crypto-trader has depends on the number of entities that recommend him or her. A trust cannot be established by one entity recommending you as a crypto-currency businessman. However, through the operation of this platform trust can be gotten from a centralized network, thus enjoying some great reputation that will earn you some token gain.
The Team
 The founders of the company are Ian Bray, Managing Director/Development Lead, Dr Patrick Stewart Bray, Ph.D., Chairman and Caroline Draper, Marketing DirectorMatt.The advisors are Murphy, Darron Antill and host of others.
What does Tru Reputation Protocol offer?
Tru Reputation Protocol acts as the first Proof Of Reputation mechanism that is natural and easy to use: each party in a transaction leaves feedback for each other by selecting or providing Semantic Terms6. The Tru Reputation Protocol also allows the establishing and persistence of reputation across digital ecosystems from Web 2.0 platforms to Web3 distributed platforms- by interlinking transactions to the participants and enabling feedback on those transactions. Moreover, it establishes an economic model around Reputation by rewarding contributions and charging for consumption ensuring all parties involved in the transaction are incentivised for providing feedback whilst ensuring value is derived from those who consume the reputation data from the Tru Reputation Network. This is a wonder! You gain as you get recommendation from Tru Reputation Network. For the first time, reputation has a market value that can be quantified and exchanged. There is no platform where reputation can be exchanged from one digital platform to another and that why Tru Reputation is now acting as a collecting for all digital platforms such as E-bay, Google, Seamless, etc.
Scoring Transaction Risk Based on Reputation
At present, most platforms that have a Reputational system do so by using either a flat scoring system7, a rolling scoring system8, a Standard Score applied to a rolling scoring system9, or purely through a number of interactions on that platform. They in turn either use these reputational mechanics to provide additional benefits, whether that is discounts on trades on exchanges, high prominence in searches for online marketplaces, or purely for kudos within the community. However, these scores are arbitrary and platform specific and have no meaning outside of the platform they are on. The Tru Reputation Protocol addresses these inherent flaws while also providing further scope for de-risking user interactions. By applying a scoring model to the Tru Reputation Protocol Schema, a Platform can use statistical modelling to desirable behaviours on their platform
Model Tru Reputation Protocol Financial
The Tru Reputation Protocol is based on a simple yet robust premise- those consuming Reputation Data should pay those who create that Reputation Data for their effort. The Tru Reputation Protocol achieves this through Tru Reputation Tokens that create the Tru Reputation Network. The objective of rewarding those who provide Reputation Data by those seeking to consume it is calculated by Equilibrium Pricing10- the more demand for Reputation Data, the higher the award of Tru Reputation Tokens for creating Reputation Data; inversely, the more Reputation Data created, the lower the cost in Tru Reputation Tokens for demand, white paper on
Tru Reputation Token Sale
The token used is called TRU. The token is based on Erc20 standard given by Tru Reputation Smart contract.
Tru Reputation Token (TRU) Pre-Sale A Pre-Sale for the Tru Reputation Network began from the 4th January 2018 to 5th March 2018, for early adopters to purchase Tru Reputation Tokens. The proceeds of the Pre-Sale will be used to execute the Objectives of Funding Tranche 1 and upon completion of these objectives, the Crowd Sale shall be started. Up to 5,000,000 TRU will be sold during this Pre-Sale with any unsold tokens being added to the Crowd Sale pool. The rate is 1TRU = 0.001ETH. Pre-sale bonus is 25%. Duration is 60days. The accepted currency is Ethereum.
The main Token Sale
Upon completion of Pre-sale,and delivery of the Tru Reputation Protocol Release 1 Deliverables, a wider Crowd Sale allowing anyone to purchase Tru Reputation Tokens ahead of the Production launch of the Tru Reputation Network. This Crowd Sale will occur at the end of Quarter 2 of 2018 (May-June 2018). The total amount of Tru Reputation Tokens available during the sale will be announced closer to the date but shall be no more than 50,000,000 TRU. Rate is the same as that of pre-sale. Bonus is 12.5%. Duration is 30days. The accepted currency is TBA.
 The details of token proceed allocation is shown on the white paper,
The Roadmap
The token release called Release1 (first pre-sale) will take 2-4 months. Release2 (crowd sale) will 4-6 months, this will continue until the last Release called Release4 (crowd sale), which will take 12-18 months.
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